Natural Mole Removal Proves Better Than Surgery

By Aaron Lilly

If you go to a dermatologist to remove a mole rest assured they will only recommend surgery. But it wouldn't hurt to ask them why they are against natural methods.

Doctors have as much to gain for recommending surgery as do the manufacturers of these natural products. So why would you opt for surgery if a natural option works better and is much cheaper? By educating yourself about the benefits and risks of these alternatives, you are increasing your chances of making the best decision you can to remove your moles.

Both surgery and natural mole removal are effective means to get rid of your moles. The first thing that you might not want to leave to chance before removing a mole is finding out if it's cancerous. If your mole is an atypical mole, meaning it's got irregular borders, irregular coloring ,is larger than common moles and has been confirmed by your doctor and a biopsy to be cancerous, then surgery might be the best way of removal.

If non-cancerous, your best bet is using a natural mole removal cream. It is safer and much easier than surgery, simply apply it to the mole and allow the remedy to do the rest. Bloodroot should be the main ingredient in any effective mole removal remedy as it has been the most researched and used in alternative medicine then any other herb for mole removal.

Aside from saving your skin from a snip to take out a mole, natural mole removal is far more convenient and cheaper than surgery. You can do the treatment at home at a small fraction of the cost of surgery.

While scarring can be an issue with surgery, natural mole removal has seen faster results and healing without scarring among those who have used this method. There are also possibilities of moles reappearing after surgery, which is not the case for the natural alternative.

In terms of safety, choose products which are clinic tested and use 100% organic ingredients. Won't using a natural product give you more peace of mind than being given local anesthetic, which is typical with surgery?

To sum it all up, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have benefited from natural home mole removal. So before deciding on surgery to remove your mole, make sure you are aware that there could be a simpler and better solution. - 29882

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Is Sunscreen Safe?

By Rosemarie Hickey

Over the last decade, the sale of sunscreen has increased significantly throughout the world. People are becoming more concerned about their skin and are trying to prevent the diseases that are associated with sun overexposure. Most sunblock formulas sold on the market today contain chemicals. However, natural formulas also exist which claim to be skin friendly and do not pose any threat to our health.

One chemical ingredient commonly found in sunblock is oxybenzone. This compound helps block UVA radiation. In order to best protect your skin, you will need to use a broad spectrum sunscreen which blocks out both UVA and UVB rays. Despite the fact that this compound is beneficial, it also has some side effects associated with its use. Medical studies have concluded that it is a skin irritant, and is linked with the development of allergies and cancer. In addition, women who used products containing oxybenzone had a greater likelihood of having an underweight baby.

Fortunately, a few natural cosmetic manufacturers have formulated chemical free sunscreen. These formulas are broad spectrum and block out both UVA and UVB rays. They use non toxic natural compounds such as zinc oxide, green tea, and titanium dioxide which are safe enough to be used by pregnant women. In most natural sunblock formulas, several ingredients are combined so that the formula can achieve full spectrum protection.

Green tea is an herb, and many scientific studies have documented its many health benefits. It is a powerful antioxidant and studies have demonstrated its benefits in lowering cholesterol, treating acne, and fighting cancer and heart disease. In addition, it has also been shown to improve the health of our skin. This botanical plant is used in sunscreen formulas since it helps repair sun damaged skin. Topical green tea does not block UV rays but instead reduces inflammation. This compound is combined with other natural agents to offer broad spectrum protection.

Another common chemical used in sunscreen is oxybenzone. This compound has been found to cause hormonal imbalance, allergies, and cancer. It is irritating to the skin and should not be used by those who suffer from acne and rosacea. In addition, some studies have shown that pregnant mothers who were exposed to this chemical had a greater likelihood to have an underweight baby. For the sake of the health of your child, avoid any products containing this chemical!

Zinc oxide is another important compound that is added to natural sunscreen formulas. This compound is a mineral found in the earth's surface and is a white colored powder. It has been found to offer the broadest protection of any compound, either natural or chemical, to block ultraviolet radiation. This compound is the only one used in sunblock that offers both UVA and UVB protection. Zinc oxide will not cause any allergic skin reactions and it can be used safely by women who are pregnant. In addition, it is the only compound used in sunscreen formulas that is approved by the FDA that can be used on children under 6 months of age.

Since skin cancer is on the rise, we need to do all we can to protect our skin from ultraviolet radiation. Despite the fact that the chemicals in sunscreen are dangerous for our skin and overall health, we still need to apply something to it to help safeguard it from the sun's harmful rays. Avoid being outdoors during peak hours of the day when the suns rays are at their strongest. By following the important tips listed above, we will be doing all we can to help protect our skin and give it the daily amount of sunlight it needs to produce Vitamin D. - 29882

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Juvederm For Wrinkles

By John Kirzno

There's nothing wrong with wanting to look beautiful and rejuvenated all the time. Looking and feeling good about yourself helps to boost your self confidence enabling you to face all kinds of situations that this life can bring your way.

There are many wrinkle reducers and wrinkle solutions to help you look younger. Among those products newly approved by the FDA is a facial filler that's made of hyaluronic acid called Juvederm. Reviews show that this kind of filler is highly effective and is known to last longer than others.

The conventional ingredient used in other facial fillers was collagen. Juvederm, on the other hand, uses hyaluronic acid instead of collagen to give that skin a plump look. It offers us a substance that can naturally be found in our body to give the same kind of effect that collagen does. Since it's not synthetic, most people can use it right away without the need to undergo various allergy tests before having it administered.

Juvederm is easily administered and is injected like any other dermal filler or wrinkle reducer. The benefits are seen right away as there is an immediate change on the appearance of the wrinkles and creases being treated. As far as risks are concerned, since Juvederm is a natural substance that's also present in the human body, it's proven not to induce allergic reactions. One will obtain the normal swelling on the sites where the injections were made, but this will subside in a very short span of time.

The cost for having Juvederm fillers vary depending on the person who's going to give you treatment as well as the state or area you live in. However, you must make sure that the quality and credibility of the clinic you choose meets the standards set forth by law. More often, lower cost sometimes means fewer guarantees. So, it pays to do the research and find someone who is experienced in the administration of Juvederm. After all, you want to look good. Once you find a dermatologist you are comfortable with, he or she can tell you if Juvederm is the best option for you. - 29882

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How To Get Rid of Wrinkles

By John Kirzno

Botox treatments are continuously gaining popularity especially among women who just can't resist the thought of being wrinkle free. And who's to blame them? If there's a way where a woman can keep away from the aging process, then why shouldn't she do it? But just how exactly does Botox work?

While it offers a chance to extend your youth metaphorically speaking, it pays well to know and truly have the right understanding of the Botox treatment in order for you to feel at ease with the process. First of all, you really need to know why you're starting to see all those lines on your face in the first place.

Your face has about 52 muscles which move regularly everyday - contracting and expanding - depending on the situations that we are confronted with. Just like leather, with it's continuous motion, it comes to a point where lines form on the surface. This is how we develop those fine lines and unwanted wrinkles. Unfortunately, there's no foreseen way to avoid getting them unless you intend to put on a poker face for as long as you live.

The principle of Botox treatments is to train these muscles on our face to stop contracting. Since there's a regularly occurring scientific process inside our body where impulse messages are sent to our brain causing muscle contraction, the concept of Botox is to keep those messages from reaching our brain thus stopping our facial muscles to respond. That's how Botox works. It stops those signals. It's foreseen that if these muscles are not contracting, then in due time, the lines would go away.

Now you would only want this function to happen on your face and not to your entire body. That's why Botox is given int injections to particular targeted areas. While it is proven truly beneficial for people to look younger, the treatment should be performed by someone who has experience in the field.

Botox treatments are considered non-surgical and do not even require the patients to be confined in a medical institution to have it done. In fact the process is so quick to perform that one can even have it done on their lunch hour and return to work.

It is highly important however that any person who considers having a Botox treatment follow the rules and be thoroughly checked and cleared for the procedure. This would ensure safe results and guaranteed satisfaction on their investment. - 29882

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Laser Treatments for Age Spots

By John Kirzno

Among the things that we tend to get as we get older is those dreaded and unsightly age spots. For those who love to get a tan and expose themselves to excessive sunlight, you are actually accelerating the process.

We develop spots on our skin because of our continued exposure to the sun. As we grow old our melanin pigment slowly deteriorates thus allowing these spots to occur. Skin spots come in different types: lentigos or age spots and freckles which is medically known as ephiledes. It all zeros down to one reason. Our constant exposure to the sun damages our melanocytes or the cells on the top portion of our skin - the ones that produces melanin pigment. When this happens, our skin can no longer deflect the UV rays that the sun is throwing at us. Thus, dark spots form on our skin.

Although skin lesions are generally benign in nature, it doesn't mean that you need to dismiss them if you see one that you are unsure of on your skin. You should immediately consult your dermatologist to make sure that it's not something that could pose a risk to your health.

Skin spots can be removed by laser treatments. In fact, laser treatment is the highly recommended way to treat spots on our skin. It is proven to be a highly effective treatment. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that you need to try and avoid long sun exposures to keep your skin spotless. There are cases after laser treatment that lesions start appearing again as they go back out into the sun.

There's little pain involved when you undergo laser treatment for skin spots. One thing you have to make sure of, however, is that you have a trustworthy and experienced doctor to take care of you. You need to know the kind of devices they use and their background on the technology that they're promising to give you. You're more likely to achieve satisfactory results with the aid of an experienced doctor than one new to the procedure.

Lastly, remember to wear sunscreen all the time. You're aware of the cause of your skin spots by now and treatment efforts would prove futile if you fail to take precautionary measures to protect your skin form further damage. - 29882

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Acne Information

By Conrad Hanner

There are so many types of acne known to man that they could take you on a trip just for hearing the names by which they are called. Acne rosacea, chloracne, acne vulgaris, and acne conglobata are just a few examples. They all hit you in ways that you don't like, just that they way they are caused, and their durations all also vary.

There are myriads of acne creams and lotions used by various people to attempt to cure acne, with various levels of success. Some are dependent on the reaction of the patient to the medication or process, while others are simply dependent on the actual effectiveness of the acne cream or lotion. You may not just use any that you wish to, only that which will not react adversely to your system.

Some people who suffer acne dislike the condition so much that it begins to affect them psychologically. Some of them actually get the 'ugly duckling' feeling and mentality from the time that they were young, and they never quite outgrew it. You might think it's silly, but it is true, which is why you should never make a jest of people who already suffer from the disease.

Acne can happen to just about anyone in any stage of life, however it is most common in kids who are just growing into the puberty stage of their lives. In adolescents, it often results from changes in the hormones in their bodies as they become mature. This causes the said hormones to stimulate sebum production. And when this gets too much for the skin to handle, you begin to see the freckles and spots that signal the arrival of the condition.

There are various kinds of people with various skin types all over the world, and indeed the whole of the United States as well. When they all suffer from acne, it makes reason to suppose that it was not exactly caused by the same circumstances; rather different things may have triggered the outbreak. In the interest of avoiding further complications, you will do well to find out your skin type before you embark on any type of acne medication.

Antibiotics are a good option for the treatment of severe acne. The drug known as benzoyl peroxide is one very good option that a professional will likely recommend in a hurry. However, you might want to consider any number of vitamin A derivatives. If they don't seem to be working, then you might want to take a close look at your skin; you may have one of those skin types that don't treat easily.

Adults that suffer from some kind of underlying endocrine disorder tend to develop acne which could stay with them well into their middle ages and beyond. Mostly the skin disease is done with you as you enter your late twenties and early thirties, but people who still have it at 40 must have something wrong with them.

There are various diseases that attack the skin, depending on the skin type that you have, and what conditions you have been exposed to. Acne is one of such skin conditions, and not a type that you will find very easy to miss. It is an inflammatory disease of the skin, and it stays on your face, your neck, and sometimes your arms and shoulders. If you haven't seen or heard of the condition, you don't live in the United States. - 29882

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The Low Down on Acne

By Conrad Hanner

If you think of acne as an eruptive skin disease, you are on the right track. Further, if you think of it in scientific terms as a disorder of the sebaceous follicles of your skin, you must be a genius. Acne on your face, neck, and back are not even strange to a lot of folks. Understanding it, how it comes about, and how to deal with it are important if you wish to live the rest of your life happy and contented.

A lot of folks like to think that they are immune to a skin condition like acne, but they couldn't be more wrong. Acne is no respecter of persons; if you do not suffer from the condition, it is merely a fluke of selection. Be thankful that you do not suffer from it, and please do not stare when you see someone who does. And if you do suffer from it, all hope is not lost as there are lots of very potent treatments for acne nowadays.

Acne, in the most simple sense of it, is dirt; dirt that accumulates beneath your skin and is unable to get out very easily. Your skin secrets oils and the oils only make matters worse when there is dirt packed underneath the skin. It sticks the particles of dirt together and causes them to grow septic and smell. Voila, - that's really what acne is about, in simple terms.

Learning all you can about a condition is certainly precursor to solving the problem. Even if it is a problem that does not currently have a globally accepted cure, at least what you learn can lead you on the path to something a lot greater, like finding "your own cure"- something that will work for you. In simple terms, learn what you can about acne, and then face up to it.

If the follicle opening on your skin is completely closed by dirt and grease, you could develop a very mean case of acne. If this is how the disease came upon you, you can cure it by easily cleaning up that portion of your skin and doing it all the time. However, there are people who suffer acne simply because they inherited it from their parents or because of an internal situation. In such people, the condition may require a little extra effort than just cleansing.

It is not very commonly that you see an infant with acne; it's often aimed at kids who are coming of age. Even old folks don't suffer much from the disease, unless they are some of those few severe cases. But whether young or old, it's a very serious condition that should be taken seriously. Talk to your doctor first for advise on the best course of action re handling the acne.

Acne vulgaris is what most professionals call it, the most common form of the skin inflammatory disease. Often, it is associated with the coming of age, or adolescence for lots of people suffering from acne. However, this is no indication that it does not occur in adults as well. You will be wise to think which part of the ladder you are on, and it will teach you how best to attempt treating or curing it.

People have suffered from acne for as far back in history as you don't want to even think. Rather than feel singled out by the condition for your sins or those of your fathers, you can feel pride at such a kinship with great ancestral figures. This is important because the way you feel about the condition will help in the treatment process. Instead of being depressed about your acne, you should be in the right frame of mind to battle and solve it. - 29882

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Great Results With Acne Free In 3 Days

By Kelley Jaston

If you suffer from acne, you know how it can effect your life. Break outs always happen at the worst times. If you're serious about getting rid of your acne, is worth checking out. Many web sites promote acne treatments, but this one discusses the causes and treatments for acne honestly and their solutions work.

As with many other sites, the before and after pictures of users of the product are posted on the site. There is lots of information on the causes of acne and the way the products addresses those causes. If your are looking for a safe effective treatment for your acne, they want to help. It's time to end those endless breakouts and embarrassing pimples.

There are many testimonials from satisfied customers who have gotten the results they wanted. Pimples are embarrassing and clearing them up quickly is important. These products work to heal your skin eruptions in just three days. You may have tried other products, but unless you have tried these you haven't tried everything to get rid of your acne.

The only way to really evaluate any product is to see what people who have actually used the product have to say about it. Any site that offers a product wants you to buy it, but many don't offer the kind of testimonials and photos that you can see on this site. Consumer reviews are an important source of information. If other customers have found a product works, you can have greater confidence in it.

Website owner Chris Gibson suffered with acne himself for years. He knows, personally, the kind of pain that acne causes. The format of the site is clear and easy to follow. He will tell you that no product is 100% effective against all the causes of acne, but the products he has developed will help to clear most sufferers breakouts.

He stuck to the fact that people have different skin types and there are just cases of acne that are too severe that it is impossible to be cured by simply rejuvenating your whole system. This is openly acknowledged in his website but at the same time, the developer boasts that his product works 98% of the time, something that could not be achieved by other acne treatment products.

The products developed by Chris Gibson are so effective that he has been seen on nationwide talk shows giving actual demonstrations. The website has videos of his television appearances so you can see for yourself. These products have been shown to work even on acne that has resisted other treatments.

The man's credibility just rose up with these evidences as he was even invited to appear on national television just to teach others his technique of getting rid of his acne and his story as how he was able to battle acne in simple ways.

There is even an audio recording of his interview so you can really be sure that you are not being fooled. - 29882

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The Wrinkle Eraser

By John Kirzno

Botox - you hear of it being injected into the faces of famous Hollywood celebrities, supermodels and just about anybody who can afford the relatively expensive price tag of $550 at the least. In fact, you might say that this is the easiest and fastest, not to mention the least expensive compared to cosmetic surgery, method to erase fine lines, crow's feet and wrinkles from the face.

Botox is so popular precisely because it provides for a younger-looking appearance in a snap. You need not suffer through hospitalization. You need not go under the knife. You need not wait for weeks for complete recovery and, most especially, for positive results to be seen.

What It Is

Botox is derived from the bacterium known as Clostridium Botulinum Type A. For the past 20 years, it has been used for medical purposes like the treatment of muscle spasms especially around the head, neck and eye areas, excessive sweating particularly in the hands and even diabetic neuropathy. However, it is in the cosmetic field that has greatly benefited from this neurotoxin. (It is, in fact, generally considered to be the most lethal toxin known to man, of which an overdose in even the smallest degree can lead to death) Nowadays, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, cosmetic physicians and even medical spas provide for wrinkles reduction through the use of this powerful neurotoxic protein.

How It Works

Botox works by immobilizing or paralyzing the movement of the muscles at the injected site. This is made possible because it inhibits the contraction of the targeted facial muscles such as the eyes and mouth. Keep in mind that one of the causes of wrinkles is the skin losing its elasticity, thus, its supportive structure. As you age, such loss of elasticity becomes more and more pronounced until such time that the skin does not "spring back" to its smooth state after you have crinkled your eyes or laughed at a joked or smiled at somebody or scrunched your forehead. And so, wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, and forehead appear. Botox erases your facial lines simply by paralyzing the muscles involved in making facial expressions. The less your skin is subjected to enforced lines, the smoother your skin will appear.

What to Expect

Getting the injection is actually very easy. You can compare it to getting a tuberculosis test in that the discomfort is very minimal and very short. Of course, you will feel a minor sting once the very fine needle penetrates the skin. Immediately after treatment, your skin where the injections were given will look like it has been bitten by mosquitoes. Take comfort in the fact that the red swellings and small bruises will subside within a few hours to days. And then you ought to enjoy a face free of wrinkles and fine lines!

On a last note, for Botox to be effective in the removal of your facial lines, you must consult with a licensed practitioner. Each state has its own regulations as to who can practice the art and science of making your wrinkles go away with the use of the neurotoxin and, as such, it pays to ask local authorities. Or better yet, you should also ask your family and friends who have undergone the procedure and loved it. - 29882

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Chemical Peel Precautions

By Tracy Jessen

Have you been considering having a chemical peel done? If so there are some things you should be aware of before you go forward with the procedure. If you are having the peel done in a dermatologists office then you will probably have too sit through a consultation to help the doctor decide if a chemical peel will be a good choice for you. If, however, you are considering the purchase of an at home chemical peel kit you will need to make this determination by yourself.

What is a chemical peel?

The first thing you should understand is how a chemical peel works. First a chemical substance, usually in the forma of a cream or lotion, is applied to the skin and left in place for a period of time. While the chemicals are in contact with the skin they work to loosen the old skin cells and impurities in the pores so that when the chemical solution is removed from the skin it takes with it the dirt, oils and dead skin.

The chemical peel is actually removing a layer of the oldest and therefore the most dead skin you have. It also flushes away all the oils from your skin, as well as all of the contaminates from your pores. How long the acid is left on the skin and how concentrated the chemicals are determines how deep they penetrate into the skin and how much skin is removed.


Is your skin extremely sensitive to irritants? Do you constantly fight rashes or other irritations? If you answered yes, you may not be a candidate for a chemical peel. The process of a chemical peel is itself fairly irritating to the skin. This irritation will be magnified if the treated skin is already prone to sensitivity.

It is highly advised that you remain indoors for a couple of days after any chemical peel but especially after a deep peel. The reason you need to stay inside is because your skin doesnt have any of the oils it normally produces and because the layer of skin tat is now exposed has not had a chance to adjust to the air and the unseen contaminates will be irritating to it which can cause problems for you.

After The Peel

After the procedure you should refrain from any outdoor activity for a couple of days. If you absolutely must go outside be sure to wear a liberal amount of sun block (not sun screen, sun block) to protect your skin. You should just make a concerted effort to not do anything that is going to irritate your skin like wearing makeup or using face creams or exfoliates. Try to even avoid touching your skin for the first day or two because the oil and dirt on your fingers could irritate the skin.

If you have the opportunity to discuss your options with a qualified dermatologist you should. If like many people, your finances simply dont allow for a professional consultation, you are left to do the research yourself. Take your time and do your research to find out if a chemical peel is right for you. - 29882

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More Than Just a Wrinkle Reducer

By John Kirzno

Botox is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in the world, in the United States alone over 4 million people a year are injected with Botox cosmetics. The drug is best known as a wrinkle reducer. It can be injected into the muscles of the face to reduce severe frown lines and wrinkles occurring between the brows, with results lasting from 1 to 4 months. However, the medication has a number of other uses. Besides wrinkles, the Food and Drug Administration has approved Botox cosmetics to treat a number of other conditions.

One condition in which Botox has proved effective in treating is that of spasms or tics. Blepharospasm, an uncontrollable tic that occurs in the eyelid muscles is not life threatening but the condition is chronic for most. The uncontrollable tic can impact quality of life and lead to functional blindness making it impossible to do many tasks. Thankfully, Botox has proven to be an almost instant success and individuals can safely take doses every few months to control the spasms. Another eye condition for which Botox can be used is Strabismus, or crossed-eye. By placing an injection into the stronger eye, the overactive muscle will relax and the eyes will be properly aligned.

Dystonia, a neurological disorder resulting in involuntary muscle contractions is treatable with Botox cosmetics. These contractions can twist the body into painful and abnormal positions and can be isolated to one muscle group or affect several muscle groups. Botox has been used to treat muscle contractions caused by Cervical Dystonia, a specific form of Dystonia affecting the neck and head muscles.

For those suffering from Hyperhidrosis or excessive underarm sweating Botox cosmetics can be a life saver. Business executives, doctors, lawyers and others with a professional image to maintain know that it can be embarrassing to deal with sweating through your clothes, as well as body odor caused by excess sweating. Injected into the skin, Botox reduces underarm sweating by 90 percent with results lasting up to 10 months.

Cosmetically, Botox can be used to get luscious, pouty lips. When injected into the lips, users will get in fuller lips and reduce their lip lines. The procedure is painless and is actually safer than other type of cosmetic lip injections since no redness or rash will occur. Making it useful for those who need a quick lip fix with only a few hours before a party or important event. The procedure is also safe to repeat as often as you desire to keep your lips plump and pouty.

Though some therapeutic uses of Botox cosmetics have not yet been approved by the F.D.A. that has not stopped doctors from experimenting; using the drug to treat vocal cord problems, skin redness, drooling, problems swallowing, wound healing and even hair loss. Botox parties have also become a trend, with men and women lining up by the dozens to have refreshments and get rid of the signs of aging or treat their health problems. - 29882

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Sun Tan V/S Tanning Lotion

By Julia Suarez

Women make a lot of effort so that they can enhance their natural looks. They follow different techniques and practice a variety of things starting from makeup to jewelry to look beautiful.

There are various means through which one can get that bronze tan that makes the skin radiant. One of these means is bathing in the sun. This has its known health hazards and hence should be avoided.

A tanning lotion offers a healthier means to get that attractive tan. It is also easier to use as it can be used indoor or outdoor. There is a wide range of tanning lotions that are being sold in the market.

Sweden is one nation that has made a name for it self when it comes to creating beauty and skincare products for women. The tanning lotion in this case is no exception. Some of the best tanning lotions available in the market today originate from Sweden and are making their way around the world.

Popular Swedish tanning lotions

The Swedish tanning lotions are known as the best tanning lotion through out the world. Every Swedish manufacturer is trying to beat the other by raising the quality of their product giving special attention to pricing, packaging and promotion.

Amongst the Swedish beauty tanning lotions that are being widely publicized is Bonfire. This fiery product costs $55 in the retail market but you may able to get rebate that can bring the price down to almost half of what it costs in the market.

Those who want a bronzed glowing complexion without much effort, here comes a product best suited to them. The Bonfire a Swedish tanning lotion has been known to give best results. This product comes in different sizes and variations fit for different parts of the body like Browning Silk can be applied only on the face.

Just in case one is aiming for a chocolate color tan then Sweden has manufactured this product called Chocolate indulgence. The market price of the product is $64 but can also be bought at discounted rates by interested buyers.

The tanning lotion named Chocolate Indulgence comes in number of sizes along with different alternatives which are meant to be used for different parts of the body like one lotion for the face and the other for the rest of the body. - 29882

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Try Acne Free In 3 Days And Get Results

By Kelley Jaston

Anyone who suffers from acne knows the impact it can have on your self confidence and your life. If you are someone who is ready to get rid of your acne and get on with your life, check out Even if you've tried other acne treatments that haven't worked, you should give this website a look. You have nothing to lose but your zits.

As with many other sites, the before and after pictures of users of the product are posted on the site. There is lots of information on the causes of acne and the way the products addresses those causes. If your are looking for a safe effective treatment for your acne, they want to help. It's time to end those endless breakouts and embarrassing pimples.

There are many testimonials from satisfied customers who have gotten the results they wanted. Pimples are embarrassing and clearing them up quickly is important. These products work to heal your skin eruptions in just three days. You may have tried other products, but unless you have tried these you haven't tried everything to get rid of your acne.

You can read actual customer reviews of the products and see pictures that demonstrate their effectiveness. Consumers offer the best and most honest product reviews and there are many reviews from customers available on Take a look at this site and see for yourself what satisfied customers have to say.

Chris Gibson is aware of this so he has made sure that his website would be believable and would only contain actual facts. presents the facts about the product being sold so systematically that readers will not be confused even if it is their first time to check the website. Surely, Chris Gibson also does not know how to lie as he openly confessed in his website that his product is not 100% effective.

The products offered at are effective against most external causes of acne. If the product doesn't work for you you may need to see a dermatologist because you may be one of a small group of people whose acne is caused by allergies or other internal factors. About 98% of users of these products have reported a significant improvement in their skin.

What is even more amazing with this website is it is not filled with just text. Other than the before and after photos of some of the customers, there are screen caps of Gibson's appearance on various television shows promoting his product. If this is not proof enough for you, I do not know what else to say.

As a fellow acne sufferer, Chris Gibson was motivated to help himself and others by researching the causes of acne and developing effective products to treat them. He also knows that complex systems don't get used properly and has made his system simple.

There is even an audio recording of his interview so you can really be sure that you are not being fooled. - 29882

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Morgellons Disease Psychosis & Psychotic Behaviors

By Danny U. Green

You or someone you know or live with may be a victim and sufferer of a little recognized disease and syndrome which is now known by the name "Morgellons Disease". In Morgellons a small parasite or parasite lodges and grows under the accused's skin. The victim will tell you that it "hurts" and feels as if something is living under their skin. It is not as simply as if they feel that something "is moving around under their skin".

They may even see what look like insects flying out from the surface of their skin. They may see "fibrils" as well. The problem is that only "some" doctors may be up to date with the diagnosis of this specific disorder. Other respected members of the medical community - general practitioners and specialists alike may or may not take the specific disease and diagnosis seriously. Often the patient has to seek relief and care in the "alternative medical community". It is as simple as that.

But when should one really suspect have contracted the Morgellons disease? These are some of the symptoms that are associated with it and different from those of Scabies. - Rashes ( non healing sores on skin) - Continuous itching or a burning sensation under your skin as if something was moving there. - Feeling as if there are insects or fibers under your skin - Fatigue - Loss of concentration

The symptoms of Morgellons and similar disease states include any of a number of symptoms. The basic rash, tiredness down to a standard description of exhaustion. The feeling and feelings of something crawling under the patient's skin. Fibers and fibrils. Insects emerging, coming and going from eruptions in the outer layers of the epidermis etc etc etc. Often though as in most people with serious, chronic diseases it is not simply a matter of one simple isolated medical disorder. It is not only a case that these poor people are rundown and are prone to other afflictions, infections and even epidemics as well. Being run down and even immunodeficient and immune-suppressed not only by the passage of time of their affliction but also by the various treatments they have been subjected to and endured , they may and most likely do suffer from a whole raft of other ailments and medical disorders. It seems that if you as a patient have morgelons disease you most likely have something or lots of other medical conditions as well. These concurrent ailments make the diagnosis all the more difficult to obtain if not also to seek therapy and therapies.

Believe it or not the first major hurdle is to convince anyone that Morgellons Disease is an actual disease like diabetes or typhus and indeed may be a spread able disease. This is the first major step in your eventual freedom from chronic troubling Morgellons Disease. Fear not, though, knowledge and understanding regarding Morgellons Disease is fast increasing. Even the prestigious Center for Disease Control in Atlanta) the CDC) is examining Morgellons Disease. - 29882

Medical Spa Marketing: Protecting your medspa.

By Kylie J. Peterson

Is click fraud costing your laser clinic? If you're one of the tens of thousands of cosmetic medical practices, medical spas and laser clinics advertising online with Google Adwords, it's likely that at least some of the money you're paying every month is sucked out of your marketing fund by click fraud.

This practice, known as "click fraud," began in the early days of the Internet's mainstream popularity with programs that automatically surfed Web sites to increase traffic figures. This led companies to develop policing technologies touted as antidotes to the problem. But some marketing executives estimate that up to 20 percent of fees in certain advertising categories continue to be based on nonexistent consumers in today's search industry.

You can be sure that it's already happening to your skin clinic, med spa or laser clinic? Here's a quote from Michael Caruso, CEO of click fraud services vendor ClickFacts in an interview:

"In particularly fraud prone verticals such as finance, class action lawsuits and medical, we see click fraud rates in the 30 to 45 perecent range. These are all categories that see high keyword pricing in the auction model. That makes them particularly tasty for click fraud artists. If you can make more money from the dark side than the light side of search, there are plenty of people who will take advantage. Plus, it's not even technically illegal yet."

There are two main ways that your skin clinics and medical spas marketing budget is being drained by click fraud:

First: your medical spas and laser clinics competitors who see your ad simply click on it, draining your advertising dollars. Second; click fraudsters set up 'affiliate' sites are set up that run medical spas ads where they are clicked on by bots or employees. These sites are the most damaging since you're paying for every click without any return at all. Click fraud around skin clinics, med spas or laser clinics can be very lucrative since dermatology or plastic surgery clinics are becoming such a competitive market and the payment per click can be as high as $4-6.

To keep your laser clinics budget protected you have very few tools. (Google just gave advertisers $90 million to compensate for click fraud as the result of a class action suit but you can bet they're not that Google's not interested in your individual account.)

Start by limiting your skin clinics exposure. If your dermatology or plastic surgery clinic is still running an Adwords or Yahoo campaign, they allow you to limit the maximum amount you spend in a day. Take advantage of this feature by limiting your maximum cost to what you can afford to spend. You can also look for the tracks of click fraud by examining the reports you might have available to you. Multiple clicks coming from the same IP address are a sure sign of fraud.

(Malaysia has become such a haven for click fraud 'sweat-shops' that clicks generated there are completely discounted and Malaysian accounts for Adwords or Overture are not granted.)

If you're going to run search ads, try to protect your skin clinic, med spa or laser clinic. You can be sure that you're the only one trying to. - 29882

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How Does Hair Removal Work?

By Jai Newman

Electrolysis was the only form of long term or permanent hair removal available before laser and IPL devices entered the market. Electrolysis is still performed today even though it is painful to the patient and invasive to the skin, allowing for the possibility of infection. During the electrolysis procedure, a fine needle is inserted into the hair follicle, delivering a galvanic current to destruct the stem cells in the follicle. Unfortunately, this painstaking process is performed one hair follicle at a time. Maintenance procedures are often needed for many years after the initial treatment.

In comparison, with laser and pulsed light technology, hundreds of hair follicles are treated simultaneously and vary upon the spot size (the size of the tip of the device delivering energy). These laser hair removal treatments are non-invasive and take only minutes to perform instead of the painful hours with electrolysis.


A patient's skin type and hair color can be the most important consideration prior to hair removal treatment. Laser hair removal is based on selective photothermolysis (using light and heat for destruction of a hair follicle) with melanin being the target chromophore (chemical grouping that produces color). The difference between the absorption of laser or light energy by melanin in the hair follicle and melanin in the epidermis determines the amount of energy that can be safely used without harming the skin.

Light-skinned patients with dark hair are proven to be the ideal patients for laser hair removal On the contrary, a patient with very dark skin and white/grey hair, would have little if any results. Since melanin in the hair shaft and follicle are the target source for laser and IPL hair removal procedures, it is important for patients during their initial consultation not to tweeze, wax or use any depilatory device prior to the procedure. The patient can, however, shave the area to be treated (which preserves the chromophore in the follicle), or can use hair removal creams. Hair which is above the skin surface can burn during a laser or light treatment.

Treatment Day

Most devices technically operate the same way when performing a hair removal procedure. The parameters on the device (joules, milliseconds, pulse, etc.) should be set according to the skin analysis and history performed on the patient. It is important to for patients not to wear dark clothing near the area to be treated as the pigment in the clothing could potentially be absorbed by the laser or light and can result in a burn. The patient should be instructed to refrain from using any body washes, lotions, cosmetics, or any skin medications the day of treatment. Some patients may prefer to have a topical anesthetic applied prior to the procedure. If any residue of the anesthetic remains, it should be wiped clean from the skin. A spot test, or patch test, should be performed on the intended treatment area. Several treatments are required at monthly intervals for an optimal outcome and a yearly maintenance procedure is recommended. - 29882

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Expertise Required For Using Tanning Lotions

By Julia Suarez

Using self-tanning lotions for the first few time can be quite difficult because it can have adverse effects on the skin like streaking of the skin or orange coloring of the palms.

Once the process of how to use a self tanning lotion is known, it becomes extremely useful during the hot summers.

How To Apply Correctly

These self tanning lotions can be quite complicated in its application which can create strange effects on the skin. This leads to skin problems like streaking of the skin. The real understanding lies in the technique of application and not the quality of product.

What is DHA?

A chemical known as dihydroxyacetone or DHA is present in these tanning lotions and this substance gives the top-most layer of the skin streaks that are temporary,immediately after its application.

If you are not cautious in the beginning the skin layer called stratum corneum is affected by wrong application of the tanning lotion. The process is so fast that it is difficult to stop it harming your skin once it has started.

Avoid streaking

The biggest problem that people face when making use of self tanning lotions is that of patching. The skin resembles the coat of a tiger with a mixture of dark and light colored stripes. The problem lies in the fact that you have to ready your skin prior to applying the self tanning lotion.

Before applying tan lotion

Main reason why people develop streaks while using self tanning lotions is because they dont take certain steps before applying this lotion. The skin requires to be moistened and exfoliated initially otherwise ignorance can lead to skin-related hazards.

The best way to avoid the streaking is to exfoliate your skin every morning in the shower prior to applying the tanning lotion. The exfoliating product should be used a number of days prior to the use of the tanning lotion and not just before it

Shaving is an option that should be done a few days in advance before the application of self-tanning lotions as it assists in exfoliation of the skin. However, care has to be taken to keep to the time-span taken for any method before the application.

Be slow & gentle!

When it is the question of actually going through the process of proper application of the lotion, you need to be extremely gentle with the work. Complete spreading of the lotion over the skin and rubbing it in is essential. - 29882

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Compatibility Check With Tanning Lotion Packets

By Julia Suarez

When it comes to the actual task of applying the tanner then you must be extremely gentle to begin with. Work your way slowly making sure you rub the product into the skin completely.

Tanning lotions are an essential skin care product for women who want to get a bronze tan on their skin. Because the natural melanin causing tanning is absent in their skin, they require assisted means of getting that alluringing brown skin tone.

During previous days when the majority of people were unaware of the damage that sun bathing can cause, fair skinned people would get their tan the natural way. Today however tan seekers have the safer alternative and can easily select a tanning lotion to get the job done.

Selecting your lotion

The market is filled with many varieties of tanning lotions. One may very well be overwhelmed while making a choice between the wide ranges of choices that are at bay. Each tanning lotion has something unique about it ranging from their aromas to their ingredients and the tan that they put on.


Many People often to become a bit confused as to what brand to purchase for first trial. The product may not suit the type of skin a person has and that could lead to undesirable results. Furthermore, if the tanning lotion is not compatible with the skin type, then there is useless expenditure on a product that wont be of any use anymore.

Selecting your lotion

When such a situation arises, the best move is to buy tanning lotion packets that has sufficient tanning lotion that can be used one time. The Beach Rum Cooler Tanning Lotion packet is an accelerator containing bronzers and Caribbean rum extract that gives a cooling and cleansing feeling.

Using Non Costly Lotions

The products are now available in sachets which is a good step to get interested users to try different kinds of lotions and not end up spending a lump sum on one which finally does not suit them at all.

The products are now being sold in sachets which is a good step to get interested users to try different kinds of lotions and not end up spending a fortune on one which finally does not suit them at all.

Convenient & portable

Sun tan lotion sachets are fairly cheap and portable compared to full size bottles. The comsumer can let go of all the tension about spending on unsuitable products as they can now try various brands and choose the one that suits them best. It is a great way for those who tour a lot as it can easily be carried around.

The best thing to do when such doubts come up is to go for the tanning lotion sachets that serve to a single time use only. The Beach Rum Cooler Tanning Lotion packet for example is an accelerator containing bronzers and Caribbean rum extract which gives a refreshed sensation.

A smart move by all big brands and companies has been to make pouches of these tanning lotions and their best products for sale in the market. This way they capitalize on the desire of the customer to sample varied options and this is the best way to gain market share. - 29882

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Is Vicks Vapor Rub a Cure for Toenail Fungus?

By Josh Adamson

If you have been looking for a cure to toenail fungus for a little while, you have probably heard of at least a few people discussing the possibility of using Vicks Vapor Rub for toenail fungus. I of course did as well quite a while back, and right now I would like to discuss whether or not it is a legitimate home remedy for toenail fungus hopefully help you make a decision as to what could work for you.

When I decided I needed to get my toenail fungus problem under control, Vicks Vapor Rub for Toenail Fungus was the first product decided to try. I thought that it would be a good idea because I knew that I could get it at any drug store, and I figured it would not be hard to apply each day. After using it for a few weeks, I was already starting to think that it might not be a miracle product after all. I end up completely stopping its use after 6 weeks because I didn't see any major improvements at all.

There are apparently people that have had success with Vicks Vapor Rub for toenail fungus, but I don't know for sure if those people actually use ONLY Vicks or if they also used another product with it that increased their rate of success. All I was able to achieve through using it for over 6 weeks was softer toes and a slightly lighter hue of brownish yellow on my toenails. That doesn't sound like success to me.

I talked to my doctor about it, and he told me that I would not be able to have success with vicks for toenail fungus because it's not a product that has any ability whatsoever to kill fungus. It is somewhat able to smother it a little bit and make your toenails seem better because they are softer, but the end problem is that your toenails will really just be having the exact same problem, although they might look a little better after several weeks of use. The changes are purely cosmetic.

I would not recommend to any of my friends, or anyone else for that matter, that they use Vicks Vapor Rub to cure toenail fungus. For most people with a toenail fungus problem, it's hard enough just dealing with the ugly toes. Having to go through the disappointment of putting in time and effort with one product, but then not seeing results can be devastating.

I have since found several products that I know work, and they are actually approved by doctors as legitimate options for eliminating toenail fungus. No matter what you go for, just remember that a product with a money-back guarantee is probably the most legitimate option you will find. There are products out there that do not have money back guarantees, and they are quite likely also not going to give you the results you want. - 29882

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Tattoo Laser Removal

By Arthur Takeda

Probably a lot of serious tattoo folks will laugh at the idea of tattoo laser removal but there are actually several pretty good reasons for having a tattoo removed--even if you love tattoos. Now for everyone else who perhaps went through a wild period and doesn't want to carry the reminder forever, laser tattoo removal may be a good option for you. And on the subject of tattoo removal, I recall a comedian's act about a tattoo of a butterfly on a ladies breast turning into a condor after her boobs began sagging.

Why Get Tattoo Laser Removal Done?

There are probably tons of reasons to have a tattoo removed. Maybe you're entering the professional job market and you're worried that job hunting might be a little bit hard with "love" and "hate" tattooed across your knuckles. The Japanese, because of the association of tattoos with the Yakuza, are even more strict, going as far as banning people with tattoos from entering pachinko parlors and public bath houses. Former gang members will have very obvious reasons for wanting to remove theirs. I would guess though, that most people wanting to remove a tattoo are probably having "buyer's remorse." However, one group, the tattoo-loving crowd, often get tattoos removed to open up precious real estate, currently occupied by a less meaningful or skillfully done tattoo.

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

Normally, the human body is able to expel foreign particles that get into the skin but with tattoos however, the "ink" is too big and so in effect it's permanent. With laser tattoo removal, a laser (big surprise right) is used to shatter the pigment into fragments small enough for the body to eject. The lasers also come in different colors because some laser colors are more effective on certain pigments versus other laser colors. Just to give you an example, red pigment is most affected by a green laser.

What Can I Expect When Having a Tattoo Removed?

This is where most people are going to have problems with tattoo removal but I should stress that you should focus on your goal of being tattoo free rather than on the trouble of having a tattoo removed. So first off, it takes a lot longer to remove a tattoo than it does to get one done. At the very least, you'll need three sessions and probably closer to twelve. The sessions aren't exactly cheap either at $150 to $300 per session. It's also quite a bit more painful that getting the tattoo. Most people choose to use a numbing cream or even get a shot to numb the pain. Again, think of your goal to have the tattoo gone.

How Do I Take Care of the Tattoo Between Sessions?

If you do decide to have your tattoos removed, here is what you can expect to go through after the procedure. Just like when you got the tattoo, there may be some bleeding and swelling as well as some redness. Similarly, the tattoo may crust over. Youll also need to keep a topical antibiotic ointment on your tattoo. And Im not giving medical advice here, but my experience and talking with doctors, being fastidious with the ointment can go along towards preventing scarring. Thats not medical advice, just passing along what I was told.

Complications Due to Tattoo Removal

Finally, there are some complication to having tattoo laser removal. Are you surprised? Well like I mentioned above, it can cause scarring. Another complication is burning of the skin. The laser that are used for targeting dark pigments may be just as effective on the bodys natural melanin, the pigment of the skin that causes freckles, or is dominant in black and hispanic people. The point is that black and hispanic people, especially, run the risk of skin becoming lighter in color at the removal site. Likewise, some pigments like yellow, can become darker after a tattoo removal session.


According to a February 12, 2008 Harris Interactive poll, 84% of Americans having tattoos expressed no regret about their decision to get a tattoo. For the 16% that did express regret, the most often cited reason is that they were too young when the first got the tattoo. And while the expense and amount of time spent having a tattoo removed, tattoo laser removal is time and money well spent. - 29882

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Alternative Methods To Achieve Acne Free Skin

By Mark Lindsay

If you're finding that you're covered in acne on your back, shoulders, neck and face, it's time to learn more on how to find a cure for this skin condition.

Often, your drug store or skincare section of your department store will have several different remedies for acne. Most times they'll have a combination system that will include cleansing gently, toning, and then a third preparation that may help with pH balance.

It's important that if you're going to use the three or four step type acne treatment, that you use all the steps that are recommended to you. Also, follow the directions as carefully as you can, as far as when you should clean your skin. Most of these types of acne treatment plans have been researched thoroughly and if you follow these plans religiously, there's a good chance you're going to see success.

Natural cures for acne are popular alternatives. The Internet contains many of these products and the results achieved with some of them are excellent. Honey is a great because it acts as a natural antibacterial, killing acne bacteria under the skin.

Unnatural substances that collect in your skin's pores trigger an infection, which in turn results in acne. Ensuring that your skin constantly remains bacteria free is the best way to stop any imperfections or blemishes from forming on your skin.

Whether you choose a skincare regime like a well researched product or if you are looking into natural remedies, treating your skin delicately is what it's going to take. Watch those over-the-counter preparations that have salicylic acid, as these can dry your skin out. Some of the natural remedies can also dry your skin out so it makes sure that you're following through with good moisturizers that are available.

Exercise and diet are very important factors in the fight against acne. In order to cleanse your pores of dirt and grease you should partake in exercise as often as possible, as sweat produced during exercise naturally cleans the pores of impurities. It is very important to consume a diet that consists of fresh, natural foods and avoid excess fat, preservatives or starchy foods.

A consultation with your local doctor may be a strong consideration if the severity of your acne is resulting in the formation of scarring. Hormones are often the cause of acne and many medications are available to assist with this, which must be prescribed by a specialist. Years after the acne has been cured, scars can remain permanently and therefore a visit to your doctor will help in a big way.

Trying numerous different methods is the best way to find the ultimate cure for your acne, as you will eventually find a particular one that shows the best results out of the whole bunch. If you have big event to attend, never just try a new method beforehand as you may very well mess up the results.

Finding an effective cure for acne takes time and dedication and your commitment will determine your success. There is simply no quick fix solution. - 29882

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How to Maintain Healthy Skin by Showering

By John Howarth

Everyday, you engage in a beauty schedule that includes taking a bath, shampooing your hair, drying your hair, shaving, and trimming your nails. For most people, hygiene and personal grooming are good routines they consistently practice. If you could change one thing about your individual hygiene and grooming regime that would help you to be more attractive and healthy, would you do it?

Most adults whom are over thirty commit one big mistake when it comes to washing: They do too much of it. Many adults take a shower before work, after going to the gym, and sometimes before going to sleep as well. Twelve minutes in the shower is too long for your and can damage the skin. Ideally this should be reduced to around five minutes.

Bathing too often can result in removing much of your skin's natural oil, causing it to become irritated; this is particularly common during the winter and for people who don't have a water filter in the shower. This is because exposing yourself to too much continuous water flow results in a lot of unnecessary chlorine residue on your skin.

Beneath are some tips about bathing that can help your skin:

1. Steer clear of using a washcloth on fragile areas, particularly the mucous membranes. Instead try using soft sponges or loofahs in a rounded motion along your skin, using glycerine type soaps.

2. The temperature of the water should be luke warm, and ideally cooler water is better for your skin.

3. If you have normal to dry skin, use fragrance-free or sensitive skin soap on your body and either a soap free cleanser or nothing at all on mucous membranes.

4. Glycerin soap is best for those with oily skin. Personally, this type of soap works for me since it removes simply the right amount of oil to maintain my skin from drying out.

5. Refrain from showering excessively. While this may seem like a particularly odd thing to do, if you can extended your time between showers, it will help preserve your skin. Skipping a shower for a whole day about once or twice a week, particularly in the winter allows your skin to produce and keep its natural oils.

6. Use shampoos that are comprised of natural extracts. The vast majority of hair care products contain dangerous chemicals such as synthetics, petrochemicals, dyes and coloring. All of those things are harmful to the human body.

By re-examining your hygiene and shower routines can genuinely help your skin by lowering your shower time, using water filters, gently massaging your skin in a rounded pattern with a soft sponge, and using skin and hair care products which contain natural products. - 29882

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How To Remove Body Hair

By Christian Lewis

Most people have at some point or the other had to face the problem of unwanted hair and have tried a number of techniques for hair removal. A number of factors such as the area and density of hair growth, your skin sensitivity and your skin type can determine the hair removal method most appropriate for you.

Shaving is the most common method of removing hair. Even though shaving is effective and cheap, the problem is that it is only short-term and you have to keep on shaving on a regular basis in order to ensure hair-free skin. For instance, men shave their beards every day. People also use shaving to get rid of unwanted hair from areas like chest or legs.

Waxing hair off the body is another alternative. It is a messy process, which generally cannot conveniently be done at home on your own. The benefit of waxing is that the hair is extracted from the root, and it takes a couple of weeks to grow back, providing freedom from unwanted hair for a longer time. However, you must keep in mind that waxing hurts and therefore, it is not appropriate for sensitive parts.

The third option is to apply a hair removal cream, which is simple to use and can be done by yourself. These creams do not hurt, but they are not as effective as waxing and hair grows back faster. There is another risk that your skin may react to the chemicals in the cream, resulting in a rash.

Those who have unbalanced hair growth over their bodies can opt for hair transplant from the areas with more growth to the areas with lesser growth. Such a procedure is usually complex and must be avoided if possible.

The last technique, also the most expensive, is laser hair removal treatment. The primary advantage of laser treatment is its everlasting nature. However, in order to prevent skin injury and scars, the treatment should be carried out only by skilled experts. - 29882

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Reasons Behind Acne Scars And Their Treatment Options

By Raymart Chan

Acne is a perennial problem especially for women, with its surprising appearance and the permanent scars that it leaves behind. Howsoever you abhor it, acne is a part of most teenagers' lives and a fair amount of effort should be put in fighting these ugly little things and checking their reappearance.

Acne is a condition caused by the reaction of bacteria and too much of sebum secretion by the skin glands. As the infection heals, collagen, which is a protein, is produced in the inner surface of the skin. On the level of collagen going below normal, small depressions develop on the face and on its level being excessive, distinct protrusions appear. Both these cases result in acne scars. Teenagers usually suffer a lot more than others as the levels of hormones increase rapidly during the period of puberty leading to increased release of sebum.

Some of the usual factors that lead to an acne infection include intake of medicines, regular use of oral contraceptives, using beauty products that do not go with the skin type and hereditary reasons. Certain lifestyle factors like tension, improper diet, and residing in a polluted area can also result in acne. However, there is no conclusive evidence behind the widespread myth that acne is caused by consumption of oily food.

Although a variety of creams and herbal products are available in the market to deal with acne, it is better to take medical help if the problem aggravates or keeps on recurring. It is also advisable not to pierce the lesion with sharp- edged objects or to press it as it makes the acne get worse.

A number of affected people now resort to many cosmetic treatments to make the scars disappear and get a glowing skin. Surgery and laser treatment are among the most effective ways of permanently getting rid of acne scars, but several other innovative treatments are also available these days. You must consult a reputed skin doctor or cosmetic surgeon who can identify the skin type you possess and suggest an appropriate treatment. - 29882

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Why Liposuction Is So Effective

By Mariel Morris

Being over weight is perhaps the most common problem today, and people around the world are constantly searching for successful and safe weight loss techniques. Liposuction is a method, which makes use of surgical techniques for removing excess fat from specific parts of the body.

In this method, extra fat from particular areas of the body is sucked out by injecting a suction device called cannula after making a minor cut in the body. When compared to the different conventional methods of weight reduction, Liposuction has certain advantages as discussed below.

The primary benefit of this method is the speed with which weight can be lost. Most of the other weight loss methods like dieting or exercising need a lot of hard work for months, and it is very difficult to maintain your motivation for such a long time. However, lipo not just helps you shed the few extra kilos instantaneously, but it also encourages you to maintain your figure without adhering to exhaustive workouts.

Methods like severe dieting often result in a lot of side effects and can easily give rise to health problems. In contrast to techniques like dieting, liposuction is not only devoid of significant side effects but also is safer and more successful in reducing weight. The bruises or scars left by surgery exist merely for a short period and are not permanent.

Liposuction has been known to be particularly effective in removal of fat from thighs and some other areas of the body that are difficult to deal with through other methods. Liposuction is helpful in effective fat removal from each and every part of the body.

Lipo might have a lot of benefits, but it must be remembered that it is a surgical procedure. It is advisable that before you decide on whether to go for the procedure, you take suggestions from a competent physician and ensure that the process won't lead to any side effects on your body. You should also remember that you might require a small recovery time after the procedure. - 29882

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Different Alternatives For Breast Enhancement

By Simon Jones

A shapely and firm look is much desired by women all over the world and breast enhancement techniques have been used since time immemorial. Nowadays, a many different methods are available for enhancing breast size. Almost all these methods are safe and offer good results.

Oral intake of special medicines is a well known breast enhancement method. The constituents of these medicines are herbal in nature and they are found to aid in increasing breast size. The medicines are generally safe to use and do not produce any type of side effects on your health. But it is advisable to be careful when buying such herbal medicines and you must carry out detailed research into the effectiveness of such pills and their possible negative effects, if any.

Another popular method of breast enhancement is using creams. These creams generally contain the same ingredients as the pills, however it is believed that an added benefit of using creams is that a frequent massage of the breasts can help in their growth. To enable proper massaging, the cream should have a fine lubricating quality.

Yet another technique for breast enhancement is surgery. It has been adopted by some high profile celebs, which has led to a growth in its popularity. This method involves small cuts being made to place an artificial implant into the breasts. This causes an appreciable enhancement in the breast size. But, you must keep in mind that like most other types of surgeries, this is a drastic measure. It takes a lot of time to recover from it, and it might even cause some side effects. Moreover, such surgical procedures can be very expensive for a middle class woman.

There is an increasingly popular belief that having an insufficient diet can impede breast growth. The ideal diet must contain a lot of milk and other items which can offer essential nourishment. In addition, by including exercise in your daily routine and by ensuring that you get regular and sufficient sleep, you can ensure that your lifestyle is healthy. - 29882

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